Dirty Hooker Diesel - Fuel Sumps & Draw Straws

Fuel System - Fuel Sumps & Draw Straws
Fuel delivery is critical to your Duramax's performance and longevity. Trucks with lift pumps can almost always benefit from the addition of a draw straw or sump to the OE fuel tank. Factory plumbing is often complex and restrictive, limiting your lift pumps ability to both draw and return fuel. DHD stocks an assortment of both draw straws and sumps from companies like FASS, DHD and Airdog.

Browse Fuel Sumps & Draw Straws Products

Items 1-6 of 6
Description: PureFlow AirDog/AirDog II Suction Tube Kit
Condition: New
Price: $120.00


Price: $12.50

Price: $169.00


Price: $84.55

Items 1-6 of 6