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DHD 700-950 Ultimate Duramax Fuel Maintenance Kit 2001-2011

LB7, LLY, LBZ, LMM Duramax

700-950 - 5C
DHD 700-950 Ultimate Duramax Fuel Maintenance Kit 2001-2010
Pricing: $139.99



Tackle your fuel system maintenance with the right tools and parts for the job with this All-in-One kit. This kit includes everything you need to do things right the first time. 


DHD 700-950 Includes:

(1) 12639277 GM Water in Fuel Sensor

The only DHD recommended replacement for those brittle, leaking and malfunctioning WIF Sensors.

(1) DHD 700-002 WIF Sensor Wrench

DHD's Water Level Sensor Wrench does two important jobs and is the perfect fit for both! The big end is used to remove the Water In Fuel (WIF) filter sensor with ease while the small end of the wrench was made to fit the billet DHD Air Bleeder Screw. With time and exposure, plastic WIF sensors become brittle, and though it is hard to see, they also have a slight taper to them. DHD's Water Level Sensor Wrench matches that taper perfectly allowing the sensor to be safely removed when it is time to replace the filter.

(1) TP3018 ACDelco Fuel Filter

Genuine ACDelco Replacement Filter. The filter your truck came with!

(1) DHD 007-0272 Billet Bleeder Screw w/O-Ring

An excellent replacement for your soft plastic stock bleeder screw. This stainless bleeder screw maintains the factory air channel so the bleeder screw doesn't have to come all the way out to bleed off the air.

(1) CPC-QK-12B Cen Pe Co Quick Kleen Fuel System Treatment

Cen-Pe-Co Quick Kleen diesel fuel additive is a great service that is brand new to the Cen-Pe-Co fuel additive lineup. This additive will clean fuel injectors, intake valves, and combustion chambers as well as act like a stabilizing agent for fuel storage. Just add Quick Kleen to the vehicle prior to filling. One pint treats 40 gallons of diesel fuel.

• One Tank Injector Clean Up

• Works in all injection systems, including High Pressure Common Rail

• Boost Power

• Saves Fuel




Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 3.0 lbs.
  • W11.0000” x H7.0000” x L7.0000”

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