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DHD 016-HS54580C LML Duramax Head Set With Seals & Gaskets 2011-2016 6.6L

016-HS54580C - 19C
High Quality OEM Material Duramax Gasket Kits
Not Available
Pricing: $275.00


This is the complete upper end gasket kit. This kit is very popular for customers doing injector jobs and/or head gaskets. Head gaskets and head bolts are not included in this kit but can be added in the menu above.

DHD always recommends upgrading your cylinder head hardware to studs. DHD's 8740 Chromoly Head Studs are an excellent alternative to high priced ARP studs and work awesome in trucks under 800HP. 

Its important to always have your cylinder heads crack checked and surfaced prior to reassembly. Work closely with your machine shop, you'll have to select your head gasket based on how much material they remove from the head surface. As a rule of thumb any head surface that has had more then .004" removed generally requires a thicker grade D gasket. Other variables, such as piston protrusion, and valve head height also contribute to selecting the correct head gasket. 

Using the menu above add Exhaust Manifold Bolts, Grade "C" or "D" Head Gaskets, OE Bolts or Head Studs to this kit to complete your build.


  • Upper and Lower Valve Cover Seals and Gaskets
  • Exhaust Manifold Gaskets
  • Up Pipe Gaskets
  • Turbo Oil Feed ad Drain Gaskets
  • EGR Cooler and Emission Gaskets
  • Throttle Valve and Grid Heater
  • Coolant Crossover and Thermostat Housing Seals
  • Y-Bridge and Intake Seals/Sealant
  • Valve Cover Grommets
  • Valve Stem Seals
  • Water Pump and related Bypass O-rings




Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 6.0 lbs.
  • W13.0000” x H3.0000” x L25.0000”
  • Free Shipping

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